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1. Sopa de gambas con champiñones agripicante

Prawns soup with mushrooms hot and sour-------------------------------- 4,95€

2. Sopa de pollo con champiñones

Chicken soup with mushrooms hot and sour-------------------------------- 3,50€

3. Sopa de mariscos con champiñones agripicante

Sea food soup with mushrooms hot and sour------------------------------- 5,70€

4. Sopa de aleta de tiburón 

Sharks fin soup ------------------- 4.30€

5. Sopa de pollo y maíz

Chicken and corn soup------------ 3,90€

6. Sopa de Wan Tan

Wan-Tan soup---------------------- 4,80€

7. Sopa de nido de golondrina

Birds nest soup -------------------- 3,90€


8. SaeTe con salsa de cacahuete

Kebabs with peanut sauce-------- 5,50€

9. Rollo de primavera

Spring rolls------------------------ 3,60€

10. Wan Tan frito

Fried Wan-Tan-------------------- 3,50€

11. Costillas de cerdo frito

Barbacued spare ribs------------ 7,40€

12. Bolitas de pollo frito

Fried Chicken balls--------------- 7,50€

13. Entremeses (degustación 11,12)

Warm hors d'oeuvres------------ 6,70€


14. Ensalada china

Chinese salad-------------------- 3,50

15. Ensalada de gambas

Prawns salad-------------------- 8,80

16. Ensalada de tallos de soja

Bean sprout salad--------------- 7,20

17. Ensalada de JING YUAN (Pasta con gambas, pollo y picante)

The "JING YUAN" salads (noodles with prawns, chicken and hot)---------- 8,70

18. Ensalada de ternera con pepino tomate y picante

Salads (beef with cucumbers and tomatoes hot)--------------------- 8,70


19. Verduras Mixtas

Golden gourmet vegetables---- 6,70

20. Verduras mixtas con salsa de ostras

Mixed Vegetables with oyster sauce----------------------------------- 6,70

21. Tallos de soja con cebollita

Bean sprouts-------------------- 7,80

22. Bambú con setas chinas

Chinese bamboo and mushrooms------------------------------------- 8,20

23. Verduras mixtas con especial curry rojo

Mixed vegetables with spicy red curry--------------------------------- 7,00


24. Pollo agridulce

Chicken sweet and sour------- 7,50

25. Pollo con almendras

Chicken with almonds--------- 7,50

26. Pollo con setas y bambú

Chicken with mushroom and bamboo------------------------------- 8,50

27. Pollo con champiñones y salsa de ostras

Chicken with mushroomand oyster sauce--------------------------- 7,50

28. Pollo con tallos de soja

Chicken with bean sprouts----- 8,50

29. Pollo con curry

Chicken curry ------------------ 7,50

30. Pollo con especial curry rojo

Chicken with spicy red curry------------------------------------------ 7,90

31. Pollo con ajo y judías verdes

Chicken with garlic and green bean---------------------------------- 8,70


32. Pato con bambú y setas.

Duck with bamboo and mushroom----------------------------------- 14,50

33. Pato con piña agridulce

Duck with pinneaple sweet and sour--------------------------------- 13,50

34. Pato con verduras y salsa de soja

Duck with vegetables and soya sauce-------------------------------- 13,50

35. Pato Pekín

Pekin Duck----------------------- 17,50

36. Pato a la naranja

Duck with orange --------------- 13,50€

37. Ternera con salsa picante

Beef with spicy sauce------------  8,50
38. Ternera con setas y bambú

Beef with mushroom and bamboo----------------------------------- 9,20
39. Ternera con champiñones y salsa de ostras

Beef with mushroom and oyster sauce------------------------------ 8,50
40. Ternera con cebollitas

Beef with onions------------------ 8,50
41. Ternera con pimiento verde 

Beef with green peppers--------- 8,50
42. Ternera con judía verde y salsa de ostras

Beef with green bean and oyster Sauce----------------------------- 9,50
43. Ternera con curry

Beef curry------------------------- 8,50

44. Ternera con especial curry rojo

Beef with spicy red curry--------- 9,20

45.Chow Suey de ternera . 

Beef chow suey-------------------- 8,50

46 Cerdo agridulce

Sweet sour pork------------------- 7,50
47 Cerdo con pimiento verde 

pork with green pepper----------- 7,50
48 Cerdo con champiñones y salsa de ostras

Pork with m mushrooms and oyster sauce------------------------- 7,50
49 Costillas agridulce

Spare Ribs wit sweet and sour sauce------------------------------- 7,90

50. Pescado con salsa de la casa

Fish with chéfs special sauce--16,90€
51. Pescado con salsa agridulece

Fish with sweet and sour sauce------------------------------------ 15,00€
52. Pescado con setas y bambú 

Fish with mushroom and bamboo---------------------------------- 16,00€
53. Gambas con ajo y bambú 

Prawns with garlic and bamboo------------------------------------ 12,50
54. Gambas Ton champiñones y salsa de ostras

Prawns with mushroom and oyster sauce------------------------- 11,70

55. Gamua agridulce

Prawns with sweet and sour sauce-------------------------------- 11,70

56. Gambas con curry

Prawns curry-------------------- 11,70
57. Gambas con especial curry rojo

Prawns with spicy red curry---------------------------------------- 12,30
58. Langostinos con ajo y salsa picante

Scampi with garlic and chilly sauce-------------------------------- 15,00€
59. Langostinos fritos 

Fried scampi-------------------- 15,00€
60. Langostinos con setas y bambú 

Scampi with mushroom and bamboo------------------------------ 16,00€
61. Mariscos variados 

Mixed seafood ------------------ 11,40€
62. Calamares con salsa de ostra 

Squid with oyster sauce-------- 9,40€
63. Calamares con ajo y bambú

Squid with garlic and bamboo--------------------------------------- 10,50€
64. Calamares fritos

Fried squid---------------------- 9,40€

65. Arroz frito Tres Delicias

Three Delights fried rice-------  3,90€
66. Arroz frito con gambas

Prawns fried rice  -------------- 6,90€
67. Arroz frito con pollo

 Chicken fried rice -------------- 5,50€
68. Chow Mien de pollo

Beef Chow-Mien----------------- 6,20€
69. Chow Mien de ternera 

Beef Chow-Mien----------------  6,20€
70. Chow Mien de gambas

Prawns Chow-Mien------------- 7,00€

71 Chow Mien Tres Delicias

Three Delights Chow Mien------ 7,00€

72. Arroz Blanco

White rice ----------------------- 1,80€

72A. Pan Chino casero

Homemade Chinese bread----- 2,00€


73 Pollo al limón 

Chicken with lemon sauce------7,50€

74 Pollo Kum-Pao

Chicken Kum-Pao--------------- 8,00€

75 Pato frito con especial curry rojo

Duck with spicy red curry------------------------------------------ 14,00€

76 Pato al fuego con verduras

Fire duck with vegetables------------------------------------------ 16,50

77 Fantasía del Jing Yuan

Fantasy on the "JingYuan" ------------------------------------------ 9,80€

78 Arroz frito con gambas, jamón, pollo y piña fresca 

Fried rice with prawns, ham, chicken, pineaple-------------------- 7,40€

79 Fideos de arroz frito con gambas

Rice noodles  with prawns, ham and chicken ---------------------- 8,40€

80. Fideos de arroz frito estilo Singapur

Rice noodles Singapore style---------------------------------------- 8,40€

81. Ternera con cebollitas y pimiento servido al Sartén caliente 

Beef wifh onions and green peppers served to hot pan----------- 10,50€

82. Calamares con cebollitas y pimientos servido al sartén caliente 

Squid with onions and green peepers served to hot pan---------- 11,50€

83. Langostinos con cebollitas y pimiento servidos a la saftén caliente

Scampi with onions and green Peppers served to hot pan-------- 16,50€

84. Pollo con verduras, chilly y anacardos

Chicken with vegetables chily and cashew nuts-------------------- 9,80€

85. Ternera con verduras, chilly y anacardos

Beef with vegetables, chilly and cashew nuts ---------------------- 10,50€

86. Gambas Con verduras, chilly ahacardos 

Prawns with vegetables, chilly and cashew nuts ------------------ 13,20€

87. Langostinos con salsa de la casa

Scampi with chef's special sauce ---------------------------------- 16,50€

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